Exhibition landscape and layout: One registration area with design inspired by the image of a rice seedling bunch, the symbolic of Vietnam’s wet rice culture and nine exhibition halls (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I) which are inspired from the long house of Ede minority ethnic, symbolized of 54 ethnics’ diversified culture in Vietnam.
Functional icons: - Exhibition map - Circle of showing ways
- Exhibitors website
- AR technology
Registration: To experience the online exhibition, the visitors shall register right after accessing to the exhibition website or coming into the registration area by clicking in circles that showing ways-in, and then it shall click on the registration screen at the reception area. The registration can be made one time only.
Exhibition information: Click on the TV screen in the ways-in, in the registration area, on the wall of each exhibition hall or the reception screen at the exhibition halls.
Going to the exhibition halls: There are five ways: (1) In the vertical menu, click on the oriented hall; (2) In the overall map, click on the oriented hall; (3) In the registration area, click on the oriented hall; (4) Click on the circle to go to the exhibition halls; (5) Going from hall to hall by following the signboards at each hall.
Moving between exhibition halls: There are three ways: (1) Following the circles on the floor in each hall; (2) Select the booth in the exhibition’s overall map; (3) Select the booth in each hall in the menu.
Searching booth: There are three ways: (1) Searching by exhibitor’s name and avatar in the vertical menu; (2) Searching by exhibitor’s name and avatar in the map; (3) Searching by products group / exhibitor’s name / country name in searching tool in the horizontal menu.
In the exhibition booth: Visitors are able to (1) Click on the circles in order to see different products in the booth; (2) Click on each product to rotate 360o in reading product information/specification; (3) Communicating with exhibitors via emails, messengers or meeting through pre-set applications (Zoom, Microsoft Teams); (4) Access to the exhibitors’ website; (5) Making orders.
Augmented Reality (AR) Experience: With this technology’s support, visitors can place the displayed products in a selected real space. This function only applies for smart mobile devices. Click the icon to experience.
Communication with exhibitors: Click on the symbolized icons Email, Message, Zoom, Microsoft Teams.
Ordering: Buyers click on the button “Inquiry” of each product for fulfilling related information. All orders-related inquiries of each buyer for each exhibitor will be auto-saved in the cart and one notice email will be auto-sent to the buyer.
Closing/opening booth: In each booth, there is lock icon () for opening/closing the exhibition booth by the exhibitors. The organizer reserves its right to open/close together or a number of booths to ensure the general aesthetic of the exhibition.
Webinar: Visitors enter the online conference room from the vertical menu or clicking on the “Meeting room” button when they are in the registration are. When they are in and would like to go out, they can click on the “Exit” icons.
Visits: On the backside of the reception/registration area, there is the exhibition area of Vietnam’s traditional products, visitors are able to come there in visiting.
Background music: In order to listen to the music in each hall, it shall click on the musical instruments icons on the right corner of the entry door.
Searching: In the horizontal menu bar, there are searching tools for nine products groups, exhibitor’s name; country name, key-word